The other day , Hexter was out in the road , playin' speedbump , when a delivery truck swerved to miss him .
Of course it hit him anyway , he's a possum . Thanks to the advanced technology of his cuzzins , the Space-Possums,
he will be just fine . However a couple of boxes fell off of that selfsame truck , and the boys at the shop are now
in possession of some compacted discs , that they will let go of at a low low price.
We have : Turn Up The Barn , by Dirtball . Actually recorded in a barn in Goochland County , Va.
It was the last record Dirtball , Richmond , Va.'s premier purveyors of Hillbilly Soul,lived to make. Sadly they too were
hit by a truck , in 2000,AD.
Bonnie Blue ,is by the Shiners ,the well-ridden , but short-lived band that Me (Wes) & Jyl, cobbled together after Dirtball.
Bonnie Blue was our (the Shiners) first record.
The Thrillbillys soundtrack - the music from the rednecksploitation masterpiece by AcademyAward-winning* filmmaker,
Jim Stramel.Features songs by the Shiners , Drive-By Truckers , Trailer Bride , Angry Johnny & the Killbillies, and more.
Quantities are limited ( it was a small box), so ketch as ketch can.
$12 each , or all 3 for $30. That includes shipping . Oh yeah , WE NOW ACCEPT PAYPAL. Gracias.
*not THAT academy